Holonis, Be Found.
I was engaged to build the Holonis brand from the ground up, starting with a deep dive into the world of influencers and content creators. The key insight was their common desire to be found, to stand out, and to have an authentic presence in the hyper-crowded interwebs. This insight shaped everything from strategy and branding to the website and the “Be Found” advertising campaign, which tapped into the goals and passions of the target audience.

Holonis identity

Holonis brand elements

Holonis "Be Found" brand poster

Holonis business card design

Holonis business card design

Holonis "Be Found" campaign elements

Holonis "Be Found" campaign social

Holonis "Be Found" event campaign creative

Holonis "Be Found" event campaign creative

Holonis brand promotional items

Holonis brand promotional items

Holonis "Be Found" campaign outdoor

Holonis "Be Found" campaign outdoor